Account provision for transfer of $45.5 Million USD
I am Mr. Alfred Henen, Chairman of the contract department reconciliation/appraisal boards of the German West African Company (GWA). I'm writing to see if you can help me protect cash worth $45.5 million left by our late foreign contractor, whose stated address has been lost since he and his family died. To enable our organisation to transfer the funds to you, you will be identified as the deceased's next of kin. Because it is not required that the Next-of-Kin be a blood relative or share the same nationality as the deceased. Please be advised that a Next-of-Kin can be anyone, including friends or organisations. You will be reimbursed with 30% of the money at the conclusion of the transaction. This transaction is completely risk-free, however due to my position at GWA, it should be kept secret and confidential.
When I receive your affirmative response, I will provide you with more information regarding the transaction. You can reach me at the following email address:
Note: Because of my position, I have the deceased contract file with me in case our organisation has any questions about the deal, and the process to lay a claim on the monies as the next of kin will be lawfully handled to avoid any violations of our nations' laws.
Thanks for your understanding, looking forward to hear from you soonest.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Alfred Henen